
NodeJS Troubleshooting …

There are times when you might need to know information about your running NodeJS server. Here is a simple way to create an endpoint to expose valuable system for your production NodeJS application. Being able to quickly access system information allows for quick troubleshooting and triaging of …

Reorder Columns in …

Sometimes you need to reorder columns in your database to align with other data models, to show relevant data first, to satisfy your O.C.D (✋ that’s me). If you’re using PostgreSQL for your relational database (really any SQL database) and you already have data in your database, here are …

Change a Column Type in …

When designing a database sometimes we get it wrong, here is the command you can use to change a column type for an existing table: ALTER TABLE <table name> ALTER COLUMN <column name> TYPE <new column type> USING <column name>::<column type> Example Use: ALTER TABLE …