
Reset Auto-Increment IDs …

If you’ve ever needed to “reset” the auto-incrementing row ID in a Postgres database here is a simple command to start fresh (this should work for any SQL based DB really). Typically during the development life cycle I want to generate new dummy data for testing purposes. Sometimes …

Update an Object Using …

There is a time in every programmers career when they need to update OR override a value or set of values in an object, for you that might be today. The Spread Operator introduced into the JavaScript language as part of the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) specification in 2015 is a powerful syntax. The spread …

GIT: Force Overwrite of …

Sometimes we just need to reset a local file with what is saved in a remote repository. For example, you’re working locally and your files just get into a place where you need to reset, maybe only a file or two. Maybe you’ve merged in another branch and there are numerous conflicts and …