Simple Polling Solution …
We often find a need to repeatedly perform an action while some condition is met. A common example is the need to poll or call a URL repeatedly at a fairly regular interval while some condition exists. This might mean making an AJAX request to a third party service every 5 seconds until it responds …
Using Variables with Sed …
If you’ve every wanted to do some simple find and replace on string values sed is pretty straightforward way to do it from the command line or a script. Our starting sed command: sed 's/findme/replacewithme/g' file-to-search.txt > file-to-write-output.txt In this command we define a …
Access the Docker Engine …
If you’re using Docker and need to access to Docker Engine API, Docker makes it really easy to do. For example, let’s say you’re inside of a container and you need to query the API to find out what other containers are running that you might need to communicate with. To gain access …