
Using Environment …

Docker Compose is a powerful tool for orchestrating your Docker environment. Managing environment information can be easier to do if you setup your Docker configuration in the following way. Create a docker-compose.yml file version: '3' services: api: environment: - DB_USER=${DB_USER_NAME} - …

Rebuild a Single Docker …

To rebuild a single service or container that was initially started Docker Compose, use the following command in your terminal: docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build < service name > Command Description –build Build new Docker images before starting containers –force-recreate …

Importing / Exporting …

If you’re using MongoDB and need to copy, move, backup, import, export, or do something with your data, here are a few commands that should help. From the terminal, (not inside the Mongo Shell) Exporting mongodump -d < database name > -o < output file > If connecting from outside …