Reversing the Order of a …
Problem I need to reverse the order of posts that are displayed on my site based on their creation date, i.e. most recent first. Solution With Hexo 3 we have the ability to reverse the order of items in a loop using .each based on a specific parameter defined in the front matter section of our site. …
Does this JWT make my …
How important is it to think about what information we store and pass in our JSON web tokens? Very! The information we store in tokens can have a lot of impact on our application’s performance and security. First, let’s think about security. Information in a JSON web token is not encrypted, I repeat …
Changing Environment …
I use Docker for every aspect of my development and deployment workflows as I possibly can. For me it solves so many problems and has saved so much time I can praise it enough. The consistency across environments, operating systems is incredible. For me I like to setup each environment just a little …