
Call Localhost on Host …

There are times when we need to call “localhost” on a host from within a Docker container. For example, when developing locally using Docker I need to call another service that is running on my host machine and not within the context of Docker, so I can’t use Docker bridge …

GIT: Branch is Not Fully …

There are times when you get an “not fully merged” error for a git branch, usually when trying to delete a local branch from your machine. It’s a safe bet that something in your local branch has not actually made it to the remote repository and we should do some investigating. If …

Treat Local GIT Repo as a …

There are many reasons why you might want to use a local GIT repo like it were a remote repo. I recently wanted to test a new process for using GIT pre-commit hooks using Husky and Lint-Staged for easy configuration. The basic idea for configuring pre-commit hooks was that anytime I changed code and …