My Required Reading List

Mar 15, 2021 min read

Growing up I wasn’t much of a reader. My reading habits consisted mostly of skimming through Cliff Notes the week before an assignment was due, hoping (🙏) I would absorb enough information for a passing grade on the book report.

Since really discovering audiobooks and the power to speed up the audio, I have been consuming books at an incredible rate. My goal is to consume an average of a book/week. Here are some books that I feel are required reading for anyone looking to expand their knowledge, understand their thoughts, finances, and abilities.

Life / Purpose

Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Man’s Search For Meaning is considered a classic by many. Frankl explores what’s truly important in life through his experiences as a prisoner in concentration camps during the Holocaust.


The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life by Robin Sharma

The 5 AM Club is a book that journeys through 2 people discovering the power of waking up early and starting your day on your own terms.

NOTE: Some links may be using an affiliate program and be eligible to earn compensation. This does not change my recommendations in any way.