Brian Childress

Use Environment Variables with npx

If you use npx to execute commands and need to reference environment variables, the solution is very simple.

Troubleshooting Major Version Upgrade: AWS Aurora

If you need to perform a major version upgrade to your AWS Aurora instance(s), you might run into errors, here's a possible solution

Generate an Object from an Array of Objects

If you've ever had an array of objects, each with a unique value and wanted to deal with a single object this simple solution might help.

Git Submodules: Error When Switching Branches

If you've received 'error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout', you are likely using git submodules. Here is how to get around that error.

ESLint Out of Memory Error

When using ESLint with a lot of files or plugins, it's possible to cause an out of memory error, here are some tips for debugging and resolving

VS Code Shortcuts

If you use VS Code, here are some handy shortcuts that might help make your development life a little easier.

Hiding JavaScript Files in VS Code

Like most JavaScript developers I'm writing a lot of Typescript, here are the steps to hide the JavaScript files that are compiled during the development process in VS Code.

Generate JWT for Testing

In this article we'll look at generating JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for testing purposes.

Download an Entire Website Using wget

In this post we'll look at a simple wget command to download an entire website, including all content and assets.

Serverless Framework and Serverless Offline Error: POST Request Not Responding

If you use the Serverless Framework and Serverless Offline Plugin for developing Serverless Functions, (e.g. AWS Lambda) you might have seen an issue recently with POST requests not responding.