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Brian Childress

Troubleshooting Network Requests using Google Chrome (Dev Tools)

In this blog post I'll show you a quick way to repeat or retry network requests using Google Chrome's Developer tools. This approach allows you to modify and retry requests for troubleshooting purposes.

Merge Multiple Nested Objects in JavaScript

If you need to merge multiple nested objects together here is a simple helper function with plenty of uses

Cleanup Old Branches in Github

In this post we'll look at a simple bash script cleanup old branches in GitHub, including a "dry run" feature

Parsing a CSV file using Bash

In this post we'll look at a simple bash script to parse through a .csv file and do something with the data

Tar File(s) or Directories Using the Command Line

There are many reasons why we might need to Tar files and directories, here are a few helpful commands to get started.

Specify Python Registry

If you need to use a specific registry when installing Python dependencies these commands could help.

Incrementing Counter in Postgres

If you need to increment a counter in Postgres it's really easy

Dynamic PostgreSQL WHERE IN Query

If you're working with arrays of data in PostgreSQL this post will walk through a quick and simple solution to create dynamic WHERE IN database queries for PostgreSQL. Some of the syntax might be helpful for other databases and libraries as well.

Importing Data into PostgreSQL from a CSV File

Here are the simple steps you need to import data into your Postgres Database from a .csv file. access the Docker Engine's API from inside a container, Docker makes it really easy to do

Docker, Where's My Data?

In this blog post I'll show you a way that your data might go missing in your Docker containers when you use mounted volumes.